What are you struggling with in your side business?


The Part-Time Productivity Lab

Field-tested productivity micro-lessons to help you build a thriving side business without quitting your full-time job. Read by 200+ fellow part-time entrepreneurs.

​Hey Reader,​

Terry here, and I need your help with a project that I've been working on over the past 2 months.

T L ; D R
I'm looking for 15 volunteers to share with me their biggest issues with running a side business while working a day job.

You and me. 45 minutes online.
I'll ask a few questions, and you'll answer.
No sales pitch. No strings attached. No hidden agenda.

I only want to listen & understand what you're struggling with.
You might get a quick tip or 2 - that's on the house 😁
You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Specifically, you'll be the PERFECT candidate if you...

✅ ... are currently building/running a side business with at least $500 in revenue to date

✅ ... are unhappy about the way you're running your side business, managing your day job, finding work/life balance, or more

✅ ... are highly motivated to overcome these issues but haven't been successful so far

If this sounds like you, click the button below to book a call with me!

It's 100% free, and I promise I'm only here to listen to you and do research for my upcoming launch - pinky swear!

In case you're wondering what I'm up to, here's a 10-second summary:

  • I'm working on v2.0 of my coaching program for part-time entrepreneurs right now
  • v1.0 of the program was launched back in January and I've got crap-loads of learnings & insights
  • Now, I want to make sure I'm addressing the right problems, for the right people, in the right way

To make this worth your time, I'm also considering offering you some perks if you book a call within the next 7 days.

It could be early access to materials & resources for free, exclusive private launch before the public, or even heavy discounts & bonuses when it's officially launched for a select few of you.

Maybe you can let me know what you'd prefer in our call?

Here's your opportunity to influence my decisions, and I'm open to all suggestions!

That's all for today, and I can't wait to speak with some of you soon!

For everyone else, I'll see you again next week!

Stay motivated and take care!

The Part-Time Productivity Lab

Field-tested productivity micro-lessons to help you build a thriving side business without quitting your full-time job. Read by 200+ fellow part-time entrepreneurs.